Best Wireless & Electric Dog Fence

Best Wireless & Electric Dog Fence

These electric fences and containment systems utilize transmitters that you plug into a wall inside your home. The dog wears an electronic collar that receives radio signals from the transmitter. The signals give harmless shocks to the dog to alert the dog to change direction. The transmitter permits different levels of correction to be used so you can test out what works best for your dog.

The indoor or avoidance systems of the wireless cat or dog fence provide a transmitter so you can keep your dog or cat out of specific areas such as your flower garden, or the trash bin, or off the couch, or out of the baby’s room.

The wireless electric dog fence covers about half an acre working in a circular 90 foot arc. The transmitter works best if it is placed near the center of the radius of containment. It has no problem transmitting through walls, but does not transmit through sheet metal so keep the transmitter away from a metal shed, for instance. Using more than one transmitter set up allows a larger area to be covered. Because it sends radio signals this fence needs to send signals without obstructions from trees, large boulders, or slopes that do not permit constant visibility. A second story location for the transmitter can improve the radial visibility on a small slope but there must be a line of sight for the signal to work.

Published by peatsaw

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